Preventative Care

Dental Care & Dentistry

We perform dental examinations, cleanings, extractions, and oral surgeries to maintain the dental health of animals.

Vet Care for South Asheville Pets

Unveil Your Pet's Sparkling Smile: Essential Dental Care for Healthier, Happier Pets!

Pet dental care is crucial for maintaining your pet's overall health and well-being. Just like humans, pets can develop dental issues like tartar buildup, gum disease, and tooth decay. During a dental exam, we'll assess your pet's oral health, perform a thorough cleaning, and address any potential issues. Regular dental care not only freshens breath and brightens smiles but also helps prevent more serious health problems related to dental disease.

Pet Care Questions Trending in Asheville

You might be wondering.

Why does my pet need dental care?

Regular dental care for your pet is crucial to prevent bad breath, save teeth from disease and extractions, and avoid serious health issues like heart, liver, and kidney disease. Dental disease starts with biofilm buildup, progressing to tartar, plaque, and calculus, leading to painful conditions if untreated. By maintaining your pet's dental health, you ensure their overall well-being and longevity.

Do pets go under anesthesia when having a dental cleaning?

Yes. At Bright Vet, our veterinary care team is dedicated to your pet's safety and comfort every step of the way, especially when it comes to anesthesia. Rest assured, we conduct a thorough preanesthetic examination to tailor a personalized plan for your furry friend. They'll receive the highest quality care with constant monitoring throughout their procedure with us.